Today, all interactions with buyers begin on the phone or the web (enter the smartphone). Phone Ninjas will coach your team on how to handle today’s consumers on the phone and the web and show them how to sell more cars by setting more appointments that show – the right way.
See what’s really going on…
In a nutshell, we coach your team on how to deliver incredible customer experiences that can double or even triple your appointment set and show rates – the right way! We only work with dealerships, which makes us powerfully specialized. The video to the right does a dynamite job catching you up on what we do. But basically, we’re ninjas.
The best results come from consistency. Throughout this ongoing training, we’ll help you discover your “secret weapon” for sales. Our experts monitor and score your calls, providing constant feedback to ensure constant improvement. This is how you get your appointment set rates to crack 80%.
These intensive, one-day trainings pack a lot of punch. Split into a morning and afternoon session, your team will hear detailed processes for handling inbound and outbound leads, internet customers, past customers, unsold customers and much more. Choose between our on-site training option and an online Zoom seminar.
Our expertise doesn’t end with phone calls. We’re architects of excellent first impressions across the board. With a combined 75 years of industry experience, we’ve mastered the psychology of car buyers – which we use to improve your phone and website presence. Using millions of real life car-buying scenarios, we give you the kind of coaching you just can’t get anywhere else.
Helping you sell more cars is our thing. And when you’re this good, you don’t gatekeep that knowledge. That’s why we offer so many things for free. Pick up one of our free phone scripts, or request a free mystery shopping experience to get critical feedback on how your current customer experience stacks up.
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