5 Results You’ll Get From Our Car Salesman Training

car salesman training

All the talent in the world can’t replace solid car salesman training. It’s an ongoing process, and it’s got to be done right or your dealership’s profitability will suffer.

As a successful owner or general manager, you know what it takes to make a sale, but sales training and strategies are becoming more specialized and nuanced by the day. It takes a dedicated training partner to help your team maximize its potential, as well as give them the individualized feedback and attention they need to succeed. 

Unfortunately, in the sales training world there are a lot of generalists who think that selling cars is the same as selling anything else. They’ll give you basic advice you can find anywhere, and most of it won’t scratch the service of what it takes to meet a dealership’s monthly goals. But  how do you separate the generic players from automotive experts with industry-proven experience and techniques that deliver results

That’s exactly why we started Phone Ninjas. We’re automotive industry veterans with five decades of combined experience, and we know exactly what it takes to elevate performance without disrupting your flow to get your team firing on all cylinders. Here are 5 core benefits you’ll experience with our car salesman training program. 

1. Consistent and Uniform On-Brand Messaging

Each team member has their own style, strengths, and weaknesses. Left untrained, employees rely on personal experience and improvisation in the moment, which can be effective if they’re talented… but can backfire just as easily. And they’re all going to represent your dealership differently, which is a nightmare for overall customer service.

At Phone Ninjas, we equip your salespeople with phone scripts that provide valuable structure for the new guys, and nuanced messaging for complex situations that will benefit even the most seasoned pros. Our branching scripts are tailored just for your dealership and developed in tandem with leadership. Our car salesman training program ensures every employee absorbs and personalizes your scripts so their delivery becomes natural and organic. 

We follow up with mystery shops to evaluate performance and, based on the results, meet with staff individually to improve consistency and delivery.

2. Improved Lead Generation

No matter how talented and wonderful your employees are, they always need direction. Our car salesman training improves lead generation with specific tactics, scripts, and active coaching for key scenarios like referrals, contacting existing customers, and cold calls. 

Also, great customer service leads to sales and repeat business, and our scripts mine every opportunity to tastefully and naturally generate leads as the situation allows. When an employee is preoccupied trying to solve a problem for a frustrated customer, they may miss those opportunities.

Finally, the scripts we write for you leverage your brand and team strengths to ensure customers have a smooth, consistent experience from the first trip to your website to being handed the keys. 

3. More Effective Communication With Your Customers

You’ve probably noticed walk-in traffic isn’t what it used to be. 30 years ago, the best way to buy a car was to walk onto a lot and talk to a salesperson. Today, 70-80% of customer contacts are through the internet or by phone. 

Sadly, many in the automotive industry have not substantially improved phone skills in the last quarter century. This aspect of car salesman training represents an untapped reservoir of customer service and competition. With so much riding on the quality of your voice-only communication, we make sure your dealership representatives harness every opportunity they get to deliver accurate information, compassionate financial assistance, and develop trust. 

And we don’t just hand your team some scripts and walk out the door, either. We back our coaching up with ongoing analysis, feedback, and active training to make sure the skills they learn actually stick. 

4. Differentiates Your Dealership From the Competition

The uniform and consistent messaging you get from our car salesman training ensures that no matter which team member picks up the phone, customers immediately know it’s your dealership. They know what to expect, and because the scripts are personalized and the associates extensively and personally coached on their delivery, your message is unique and enjoyable, on point, and leaves customers feeling good about your business.

Everyone’s had phone experiences where the salesperson on the other end is clearly reciting a boring and predictable transcript, and it makes you want to hang up and never call again. At Phone Ninjas, we ensure our car salesman training program empowers your team to deliver interactions that are both responsive to customer needs and personally engaging. Whether it’s new leads or people you’ve worked with for years, they’re never going to feel like you’re going through the motions. 

5. Increased Sales!

That’s the whole point, isn’t it? When we’re talking about closing sales, you know there are a myriad of pitfalls to which even experienced salesmen can fall victim, especially once the sale has been made. Unfortunately, there are too many teams in the automotive industry that live and die by the mantra, “Once the deal’s done, stop selling!”

This is another area where well-coached employees can use scripts to their advantage. Armed with the right roadmap for handling communications, they’re always moving efficiently towards maximizing every opportunity to generate leads and increase numbers without getting sidetracked or missing openings. Remember: a happy customer today is a repeat customer tomorrow, and in the meantime, they have many friends who are looking for a dealership they can trust.  

Reach Out to Learn How We’ll Help!

Here at Phone Ninjas, our car salesman training is hand-crafted by industry professionals who’ve been selling cars and trucks longer than many customers have been alive. In a world of one-off training companies and systems, we recognize true mastery is a time and mentor-intensive endeavor. 

Our active coaching model is centered on one-on-one interactive development with repeat training experiences, and we can achieve our results in as little as 20 minutes of individualized coaching per employee each month. Even better, it’s largely hands-off for owners and managers, leaving you free to concentrate on the thousand and one items screaming for your attention. We only come to you if a real problem has developed.

We’d love to have the chance to set up a demo, chat, and provide two free mystery shops to help us determine exactly how we can boost your numbers! See how our car dealership training program can supercharge your business!

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