Your unstoppable team for phone skills training

Set more appointments that show

Powered by a game-changing approach to automotive sales coaching, on average our dealers increase appointment set rates to over 60-80%. 

One of the hottest and fastest
growing companies in automotive.

Phone Ninjas electrifies your sales team with an active cadence of dealership phone training and car salesman training sessions. 

But our services don’t end with dealership training programs; we empower dealerships of all kinds such as RV, Marine, Powersports, and more. 

Thanks to our enthusiastic clients, Phone Ninjas has swiftly become the new face of car dealership sales training. Don’t believe the hype?

Our leadership

Jerry Thibeau

Ninja Since 2010

CEO | Founder

Jerry Thibeau

(World Traveler, Superhero)

Jerry started Phone Ninjas in January of 2010 to help automobile dealerships improve phone and internet skills. Today, Phone Ninjas is the premier phone training company within the automotive sector and we are currently expanding to other vertical markets.

We can help any business seeking improvement with phone and internet skills. Jerry is a 31-year automotive veteran and has earned the nickname “The Phone Ninja” for his ability to turn any lead into an appointment that shows.

Having personally listened to and provided coaching feedback on more than 10,000 sales calls, Jerry is the industry’s best and brightest when it comes to evaluating a phone conversation.

Chris Vitale

Integration Partner Since 2012
Ninja Since 2019

COO | Partner

Chris Vitale

Powerful Jedi – Lured to the Dark Side

Ninja Since 2014

Vice President of Training

Mike Hoyser

(Shaolin Monk, Tap Dancer)

Hannah Mullis

Ninja Since 2023

Senior Account Executive

Hannah Mullis

(MMA Champion, Singer)

Ninja Since 2019

National Correspondent

Nicole Marcellino

(Professional Basketball Player, Professional Lottery Player)

Ninja Since 2011

Director of Account Services

Laura Taylor-Artl

(Callsign Iceman, Professional Crafter for CIA)

Umer Farooq

Ninja Since 2017

Umer Farooq

(Tech Genius, Jedi Knight)

Ninja Since 2023

Accounts Receivable

Big Paulie Cicero

(Not allowed back to Canada, Life Coach)

Alexa Ryan

Ninja Since 2019

Alexa Ryan

(Certified Google Expert, Mitzi’s Sister)

Ninja Since 2023

Sarah Loughry

(Content Genius, Sarcasm Connoisseur)

Ninja Since 2020

Kelly Bedrossian

(Creative Consultant w/Black Belt in Branding)

Ninja Since 2023

Scott Daigger

(Website Pro, Dad Joke Virtuoso)

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