Automotive Phone Training

Nicole Marcellino

What do you get when you combine automotive phone training with Phone Ninjas? The best automotive phone training in the industry! At Phone Ninjas, we take pride in our ability to help auto dealers sell more cars by improving your dealerships phone skills. Whether you’re an old pro or brand new to the industry we’ll improve your game with hands-on coaching and effective sales and BD scripts that you can use again and again to turn inbound calls into customers and customers into fans.

Why Do You Need Phone Training? 

You spend money on advertising and that advertising generates leads. One of the more popular lead formats is a phone call to your dealership. Our average dealer is receiving roughly 300 prospective customer phone calls per month. If your dealership is appointing 25% of those shoppers, that’s 75 appointments made.

Our most engaged dealers are achieving an 80% appointment ratio which will result in 240 appointments made. The close ratio for appointments that show is 50%. When you take your average profit and multiply that by your number of sold customers, it doesn’t take long to realize just how important phone training can be to your business.

How Much Profit Am I losing on Poor Phone Calls? 

That is a good question. Each and every inbound phone call counts. Calls that are answered without having the proper knowledge and resources could result in a lost opportunity. Take a minute and check out our lead calculator, and inquire about a free mystery shop! 

If you want to improve how your dealership handles phone calls, check out our Automotive Phone Training or Active Coaching Services and see how Phone Ninjas can help you!

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Nicole Marcellino

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