Contact Confidence: A Guaranteed Way to Obtain a Customer’s Contact Information?

Without knowing the proper techniques, getting contact information isn’t the easiest task in the world. It seems fairly simple: ask for a phone number and email, right? Except, that is far from the truth. Oftentimes, customers can be shy about their information. This leads to them not giving it out as easily over the phone and makes things a little more complicated. 

Here are 3 tricks to help you get a customer’s contact information!

1. Depict the Epitome of Confidence

The first thing a customer will notice is your tone of voice. This is where your knowledge of sales basics come into play. It’s time to fake it ‘til you make it! The more assurance you elude, the more a buyer will trust you. In this case, the worst thing you can do is seem unsure of yourself. If a customer can tell that you’re confident in your abilities, they’re much more likely to believe in you.

If the customer perceives you as having the nature of someone who can always obtain information, then they’re going to follow suit. It’s MUCH more natural to give up that kind of information when one believes it’s an action continuously repeated by others.

If one thing is for sure, your client will follow suit if you portray confidence in your skills and abilities.

2. Don’t Ask Prematurely 

You NEVER want to ask a customer for their contact information too early! This is an easy mistake many salespeople make. Trying to get a contact too early on makes a customer feel like a target. You risk coming off as abrasive. Making this mistake may catch your buyer off guard. It’s not a good look and definitely not worth the loss of a potential appointment. Remember, an appointment is a sale.

You want the customer to be more than ready to offer their information. Remember, in their eyes, you don’t deserve the information. You have to work for it. Earn the privilege by getting to know them before asking.

Even though it seems like you’d only have to ask for this information once, that is far from the truth. It can take multiple attempts to obtain this information throughout the call. You can’t draw a picture if you haven’t taken the time to sharpen the pencil.

3. When in Doubt, Display an Assumptive Manner

Your confidence through the phone will lead to the customer assuming various other things throughout your conversation. Assumptions can seem like a negative, but here it’s actually a positive. You’re going to use these assumptions to your advantage.

Saying phrases like “Let me go check my inventory; it’ll take 10 minutes” and “So I don’t waste any of your time” before asking for a client’s contact information will lead them to believe you’re constantly looking out for them. If you continue to use phrases that allude to you looking out for THEM, like “Are you calling from home, work, cell?”, it furthers the impression that you’re going the extra mile for them. 

Once they’ve perceived this quality trait of yours, they will give you their information because they have a reason to EXPECT for you to call back. They don’t want to wait on the phone for 20 minutes, and they know that you understand that. By setting reasonable expectations, they automatically start to trust you more and more, which is perfect for getting their contact information.

Using these techniques, you can fill up your book with contacts in no time! Remember the 3 simple rules.

1. Be confident

2. Don’t ask to early

3. Assume an assumptive manner
Now, you’ll be known as the MASTER of obtaining contacts in no time! Ready for more techniques to help you close those deals? Reach out to our experts at Phone Ninjas!

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