
When one thinks of the important steps in sales, they probably don’t think directions are on that list. However, one of the ways to ensure you actually get the appointment is to make sure the customer knows where they’re going. You can’t make a sale, if the buyer doesn’t get to you.

The most important way to make this a habit is to give directions EVERY SINGLE TIME! You want the customer to know exactly where they’re going. Even if they claim they know where your dealership is located, you’ll confirm where you are.

You want to give precise directions so the customer knows exactly where to go, but be mindful of what landmarks you use for that task. When giving directions to the dealership, DO NOT use other dealerships as a point of reference. You don’t want to give them other ideas of where to go. This part can be tricky because usually, where there’s one dealership, there’s also many more around it.

Instead, try to use third party references. Think about other recognizable brands in the area that aren’t related to your field. Maybe there’s a Home Depot or a McDonald’s nearby that you can use. Just make sure they get to you.

Once you’ve found your landmarks, you want to work them into your script. Ask the customer which direction they’re coming from. Then, tell them if they’re supposed to turn left at the Home Depot or right at the McDonald’s.

Don’t stop there with the directions either, let them know what to expect even further into the process. Walk them through what to expect when pulling in the driveway. Tell them where they can park, and even which door to use for entry. You can, and should, even tell them what they’ll see when they enter the threshold.

“When you come to the dealership, take the center entrance and come to the front of the building. Park in any of those spots right in front next to the sign as all are available to you” is a great example of putting this skill to use.

Everything you do should be to help you stand out and differentiate yourself. So why not keep that mantra even when giving directions?

You DON’T want to give directions to the dealership with compass directions because of this. People often get nervous with them because they won’t know where to park, don’t want to be in the wrong place, etc.

HOWEVER, you can alleviate this fear and stand out by doing so! Use it to your advantage! TAKE THE ANIMOSITY OUT OF IT!!! Tell them exactly what will happen before they even get there.

Give them the idea or experience ahead of time and it immediately sets you apart from everyone else! You’re creating a different, more pleasurable experience. Everything you’ve done is to make them more comfortable, and they’ll appreciate that.

The goal is to transition the customer from the phone to the dealership. Your job is to help them make that transition go smoothly. Help bring them in to buy the car!

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