Don’t Be Scared Be Prepared: The Start of an Outbound Call

Outbound calls can seem intimidating, which makes you not want to make that call. But what if it isn’t so scary? With a few tips, it might even become the easiest part of your day.

So, where do you start? That’s where we’ve got you covered. THE NUMBER ONE trick is to BE PREPARED!

What does being prepared mean? Being Prepared means knowing why you’re going to call IN ADVANCE! Without having all your plans laid out, you’re not going to be as prepared as you could be. And why operate at 50% when you could be at 100%?

So, take that extra step and get ready beforehand! It’s easier than it sounds. The first thing you want to do is have all of the notes relating to the reason you’re calling this specific customer. This is because you don’t want to be surprised when someone answers the phone!

When your job entails constantly making phone calls it can seem like you’re always leaving voicemails. This can be discouraging, but you want to be ready for when someone actually answers!

Do this by making use of your CRM and having your notes in front of you. This is all part of BEING READY! You have to be on your “A game”. Have the positive attitude AND outlook! The more excited you are, the more excited the customer will be!

You can’t sound as if you’re bored by making your daily calls. You have to add the enthusiasm! SHOW that you’re ready through your voice!

So, when they answer, you have your best foot forward and are ready to talk about the vehicle and the next step!

Using your CRM is KEY. When you’re putting notes into your CRM make them positive! That way when you follow up and make the calls, you’re ready to nail the call and the appointment!

Don’t fill your space with negative notes. This will impact your attitude and ruin the point of being prepared. You’ll want to push off the call to a later time, which isn’t what you’re here for.

Every time you open your CRM, take the opportunity to call a client and bring in a customer!

Every time you take an opportunity, you have a chance to SELL A VEHICLE. Remember, be prepared, take notes, AND BE READY!

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