Goals Don’t Mean Anything Without Proper Training

Anyone can have work-related goals, but not everyone will achieve them. To achieve goals, we have to better ourselves. And to better ourselves, it takes practice and training.

So, while we often try to motivate our Sales Consultants and BD Agents by asking about their goals, we aren’t always assisting them, given they don’t have the resources necessary to make them happen. Think about it, if a BD Agent’s current appointment set rate is less than 25%, and they want to achieve 40%, how will they achieve that without proper training? Focus alone doesn’t do it. 

Setting a goal is easy. But following through with a goal isn’t. More importantly, how often have we just written off the BD Agent whose set rate was at the 25-30% marker, thinking, “they just don’t have what it takes to do the job.” When in reality, they had goals and determination. It’s just that they’d never had proper training or the resources to effectively handle inbound calls or leads. 

To make matters worse, instead of the dealer investing in training – they’d simply hire another BD agent who likely will have the same struggles. This turn-and-burn style will cost the dealership thousands of dollars more than if they’d just invested in training for the first BD Agent who showed interest but didn’t have the right resources to achieve their goals. 

The point in all of this is that instead of thinking “they don’t have what it takes,” let’s instead focus on providing them with the proper resources so they can achieve their goals. So that when they set their monthly benchmarks, it means something. It gives them a clear roadmap of the skills they need to learn before achieving their goals. And in the end, not only are they effectively trained but they are also producing better and more sustainable results. Results that have, in effect, paid for that ongoing investment in training and continue to!

Do we really want to stop people from achieving their goals solely because we don’t want to invest in training? This is illogical… 

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