Improve Your Sales Team’s Skills with Car Sales Training Videos

car sales training videos

For any automotive dealership, your sales team and business development center (BDC) are the critical players who turn all your marketing work into cold, hard cash. It’s not an easy job, but regular high-quality training will help keep your people sharp so they never miss an opportunity. 

Of course, every dollar you spend coaching them needs to come with a return on the investment, and like everything in business, you’re going to want to spend as little as possible to reap the biggest rewards. In many cases, training videos for automotive teams can represent an extremely cost-effective investment, but only if they’re highly relevant and deliver excellent advice. Getting it wrong is exactly why most of the $200 billion spent on training in the US is wasted—how do you avoid flushing money down the drain by accidentally buying subpar training materials? 

We’ve got you covered. Our team at Phone Ninjas has put together this guide to help you get the training you need and identify quality content. Here’s a sample of our most popular and informative internet car sales training videos that can form the basis of any revenue-generating training strategy.

What to Prioritize

Some of the least effective types of car sales training videos are dry, dull lectures. Some don’t even seem to have a single frame of dealership footage! 

Here are a few features that can help you identify the most useful content that will also resonate with your people:

  • Humor is a wonderful way to make training engaging and fun. 
  • Shorter car sales training videos tend to be much more effective. The longer a video goes on, the less engaged people tend to become.
  • Deal with single, specific areas of focus at a time, rather than sprinkling a bunch of thinly related tidbits around in general content.
  • Interactive materials are far more effective as training tools. This could be as simple as planned breaks every few minutes in a video to allow for personal reflection and team discussion, up to games and roleplaying. Humor is great to include here, and video-game-type content can be especially enjoyable and effective.
  • Ensure your videos are accessible across a wide array of platforms and devices. Nothing will make an employee “nope” out of training faster than browser incompatibility or content platform restrictions.

Suggested Training Videos

We’ve taken the liberty of selecting a few short but extremely effective car sales training videos from our archives that you can use to help keep your sales team’s skills on the cutting edge. You can use them as-is, or keep them as a reference template for building a training program with an automotive consulting partner.

These step-based video compilations are clear and concise and offer excellent opportunities for interactive discussion and roleplaying between steps.

Outbound Calls

These are powerful revenue multipliers when handled correctly. Most dealership phone contacts are converted to in-person customer appointments at a rate of 20% or worse. But when your team masters the following ten components of an outbound sales call, that rate should come up to at least 60%.

  1. Be Prepared
  2. Confirmation
  3. Authorization
  4. Introduction
  5. Reason for Calling
  6. Talk About the Opportunity
  7. Advantages of Buying Now
  8. Ask for the Appointment
  9. Driving Towards Closure
  10. Plan for the Future

Inbound Calls

Like outbound calls, the potential for these contacts to translate into live appointments is incredible. Your BDC team can especially benefit from knowing these seven steps for the successful handling of an inbound customer call.

  1. Greeting
  2. Qualifying (Generic)
  3. Qualifying (Specific)
  4. Obtaining Contact Information
  5. Ask for the Appointment
  6. Driving Towards Closure
  7. Giving Directions

Handling Objections

Cars are an expensive proposition for anyone. It’s natural that when weighing a bank account against a new car, objections of all sorts will need to be overcome by your sales team. This short series of car sales training videos hit a number of fundamental techniques.

  1. Base Price Technique
  2. Best Price Technique (New)
  3. Best Price Technique (Used)
  4. Finance Rates Technique
  5. Financially Challenged Technique
  6. How Much Down Technique
  7. Mileage Technique
  8. No Information Technique
  9. Tentative Appointment Technique
  10. Trade Technique

Parts Sales

Sometimes we forget our parts departments offer some of the highest margins of any of our products. Your parts department associates need to have a solid procedural grounding to ensure customers are efficiently served in a friendly manner, and these four brief car sales training videos are pure gold.

  1. Greeting
  2. Qualifying & Obtaining Contact Info
  3. Pricing and Availability
  4. Closure

Follow Up With Your Coaching Partner

Of course, while car sales training videos are great tools in any learning process, they’ll only be a part of your employee training! Research shows that active learning and repetition are keys to long-term retention and mastery. In other words, videos give information, and mentors working with your team over time produce real mastery.

Phone Ninjas was founded on this fundamental truth of human learning. Our whole training program is based on weekly active coaching of individual employees using materials from their daily jobs. This one-on-one mentor-based approach maximizes the speed and depth of learning of every employee. Our training guru Mike Hoyser conducts initial group training (in person or remote). Then, our Phone Ninjas go to work guiding your team to their own best learning outcomes. 

Once coaches and employees feel like they’ve arrived in a great place with their skills, we double-check everything by performing our own mystery shops. If our shoppers find a few details that could use a touch more polish, our Ninjas follow up to ensure every employee is an expert! 

Phone Ninjas’ methodology has been proven over and over to produce consistently outstanding results. Our clients regularly convert customer phone and internet contacts at triple or even quadruple your current rates. Shoot us a line today to set up a free demo—we’ll even throw in two free mystery shops of your current phone and internet game to show you exactly how we’re going to transform your bottom line!

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