

How Much Profit Are You Missing? Did you know that only 27% of the inbound calls result in an appointment? And only

It’s no secret December is the one month most of us can count on to carry us through the slow months. We

The Follow-Up Email

“The Follow Up Email” In a perfect world, the customer would answer their phone on the first call. But that’s not always

Phone Skills Pay the Bills

Phone Skills Pay the Bills How many times have we heard this: “The customer is on the way and it’s a done

Musical Positions

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We sometimes wonder why the BDC is not performing like they used to be. At the same time, instead of acquiring new

Technology comes and goes as fast as it’s developed, even faster in some cases. But the one thing that isn’t going anywhere

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Are You Texting Your Customers? It’s no secret texting has become a go-to option with your dealership’s prospective customers. In fact, several

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