Whether you’re just a regular customer looking for a car, or a Sales / BDC Manager, or someone like me, who’s been

Just Use the Damn Script!

Just Use the Damn Script! Picture this: you have a whole Business Development team starting tomorrow and of that team, three representatives

Agh, the word Co-Op. The word that usually means you’re having to spend money for another OEM program. Or you’re going to

Part of handling inbound phone calls is dealing with the customer’s objections. The more equipped your sales consultants and BD agents are,

ROE – Return on Employee

ROE: Return on Employee, NOT return on equity…. I just made it up. But not on a whim, a lot of thought

But I Got A Perfect Score!

Aiming to achieve a perfect score on your Mystery Shop is more than just memorizing keywords or sequences. It's about continually enhancing your performance.

Flash Training

To increase your dealership's performance, you need to have recurring Active Coaching and Training. Active Coaching that's built on a core foundational approach.

Active Coaching

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Completing a training course or being mystery shopped is only one part of the equation. Taking that first step by offering your

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Phone Training is Like a Gym Membership! Ugh, the “gym membership….” Half the battle is making the conscious decision to get that

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