Why You Should Use Text Messaging in the Automotive Industry

If sales agents at your car dealership aren’t using text messaging, you could be missing out on generating quality leads and closing sales. Text messaging can keep your customers informed and open up new channels of marketing. But, text messaging must be used with understanding and strategic purpose, as any communication professional will tell you.

Communicating with Today’s Customers

Most of your customers and potential customers are digital natives. They grew up in a landscape of computers, cell phones, and instant communication. They find text messaging the normal way of communicating—it’s fast, convenient, and unobtrusive. It doesn’t take the time or energy that a phone call demands.

Even older customers, Gen X, and boomers have jumped on the text messaging bandwagon; nevertheless, it’s still a good idea to do market research to identify your sales area’s demographics and whether or not text messaging would be a valuable outreach tool. In the meantime, ask any present customers if they wish to receive texts. And, for those who prefer phone calls, who do not use text messaging, or who don’t want to be bothered, you can always give them the choice to “opt out” of texts. 

Sending a Friendly Follow-Up

The easiest use of text messaging in the automotive industry is to follow up on leads. A friendly text following a customer encounter–whether on the phone, through email, or in person–can send the message that you care and wish to help. While a text exchange may seem like just words, it’s actually an opportunity to develop a more personal relationship, learn about your customers’ needs, and assist with their search for the perfect car.

Follow-up texts work great after a sale or a service visit. Just sending a quick text asking if everything is all right and inviting the customer to ask questions fosters goodwill and leads to positive reviews and word-of-mouth marketing. If you are unsure what to say, some phone training from Phone Ninjas can provide you with scripts or help you develop your own messaging templates.

Reaching New Leads

Contacting potential customers through text message can reduce the anxiety of making cold calls. A communication professional can show you how to set up SMS templates that let you personalize each text to include your contact’s name. But, it’s important to learn how, when, and how often to use text messaging. Too many messages can irritate a potential customer, and the wrong content isn’t going to help you.

When you coach your sales team to use text messaging effectively, they’ll develop the confidence to reach new leads, set appointments, and convert them to sales. Keep in mind that, just as with a cold call, the text is just an introduction—the rest of the sales process is up to you. It is essential that you personally follow up with your customers using other marketing tactics after communicating with them via text. 

Inviting Questions

Always remember that text messaging goes two ways: It’s not only about sending out texts but also about receiving them. Your sales agents are busy and away from their desks much of the time, so they may miss a lot of phone calls. Nobody these days likes leaving phone messages. But, with text messaging, salespeople can be available and respond in an instant.

When a customer texts to inquire about a vehicle they’ve seen online or to ask about your inventory or services, you can answer immediately and continue the conversation as long as your customer wants. You may wish to invite the customer to switch to voice or video chat so you can show them what they’re asking about. You can also set an appointment for them to visit in person.

Expressing Thanks

Text messaging can also be used to express thanks, not only after a successful sale, but at any time. Customers and potential customers want to feel valued and appreciated. Text messaging can be an easier and more cost-effective way than sending “snail mail” or an email. You don’t need a sale to express thanks, however. Holiday greetings, anniversaries, and special promotions are examples of good occasions to reach out with a short greeting and word of appreciation.

Learning the effective use of text messaging is essential in today’s changing marketplace. This is especially the case in the automotive industry. Group coaching sessions can help your sales staff develop the skills they need to reach their customers and seal the deal.

Phone Ninjas can help with text messaging and phone sales techniques for your automobile dealership. Click here to get in touch!

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